Foxface Poisonous...but how much???


hey all....I am thinking about gettin a foxface. I know its Poisonous...but just how poisonous...or painful. I mean...bee stings hurt, but feel pretty darn good once you been stung by a wasp. Has anyone ever been "stung" or let it touch you. I like the fish, and hear that its really hardy (I know someone is goin to try and correct me...I could care less about the hardiness)...I live by myself, and well I dont want to be passed out on the floor with my phone in the other room cryin for help...or dead from a fish. Any feed back???


it is not normaly leathal. I have been stung by one and yes it is painful. But i still think it is well worth it. Just make sure you know were he is before you put your hand in the tank. it wont nock you out or kill you unless you are stung in a arterey. Still my favorite fish!


I'd say it is on par with a paperwasp. I got hit once, but it was entirely my fault. As long as you watch what you are doing in the tank you'll be fine.

al mc

Active Member
While they may just be painful to most people I would be careful to suggest that there is no chance that your experience could be worse. I would worry if I had any problem with allergic reactions to insect bites or seafood. Also, if you have a history of asthma or are under the care of an allergist.
as long as you watchfull when your hands are in the tank youll be ok....i was skepticle as of my favorite fish...great personality...plays with the rest of his tankmates (espesialy the sailfin)


If you really want it but dont want to get stung, just buy the fish. I have 2 poisonous fish in my tank, and I order a pair of aquarium cleaning gloves, to wear on my arm when im messing around with the tank. The gloves are very think and go all the way to your shoulder, and they were only like 15 bucks.



Don't know that answer but mine eats from my hand..... It really irritates my wife knowing it is poisonous...


This is my favorite fish that I have. He's got such great personality and is always nice to all my other fish. I hand feed him algae sheets. Can't imagine a foxface would want to sting you on purpose, only if you are totally careless with your hands in the tank.


Mine usually hides and goes camo when I'm working in the tank. I just try to be aware of what rock he is near. Just LOVE mine, very peaceful fish even though he is the biggest in the tank and loves to beg for food. My daughter wishes he would stay in the camo mode permanentely.