Foxface question


New Member
In my 90 gal FOWLR bow, I have a foxface (about 3-4 inches), two percs, two three stripe damsels, and a 6 line wrass. I also have a few crabs.
The question I have is the foxface is always hanging around up by the overflow behind the return flow. He also has a couple of knicks out of his tail that have remained the same size and have not gotten worse for several days. He is eating fine, and is agressive during feeding times (ie: he gets his food). But, other than feeding times, he does not swim into the open hardly at all. I have had him, the percs, and the wrass for about a month or so. The damsels have been around since all my cycle mistakes. ')Is this behavior I should be worried about?


My foxface would hide anytime someone he didn't know would come into the room, so I would say it is probably normal. They are really shy. How big is your wrasse? He might be beating on him.


im sure your foxface is fine !! mine stays at the top alot and even pokes his head out. this is where he strays most of the time. he is very timid if someone comes to close to the tank he will sometimes freak out and turn colors( which is a awsome sight ) which color fox do you have yellow or brown ?


Ditto luvluv... The exact behavior of mine as well. I truely think these are a very shy species. But they are beautiful fish. I have had mine for about 6 months and he will eat out of my hand.


New Member
I have a yellow one. He is a great fish, that is why I was worried about him. He has really warmed up a great deal to me, but I think that he does not have that much of a choice because my face is always pressed up against the glass ;)
They are definately great looking fish.