foxface question

bean 3

New Member
I have had one for several months now and he has been great. Never bothers any of his tank mates or inverts. I don't have any corals in the tank but I think I remember them being reef compatible. Mine eats anything that hits the water: brine, mysis shrimp, algae sheets, dwarf angel food (cant remember the name - all of my fish eat this stuff - spotted hawk, coral beauty, saddle blenny, blue hamlet, false percs, sixline, foxface and green chromis). All of these aren't in the same tank by the way.
As far as the foxface goes: this fish is one of my favorites and has alot of personality. He recognizes me when I enter the room and makes repeated attempts to get my attention. He didn't eat the first day while he acclimated to his surroundings but he has never missed a meal since! He gets along great with everyone but will fight with other rabbitfish so you can only have one in the tank. They are very disease resistent and can tolerate small mistakes when it comes to maintaing water quality. Just be sure to feed him a varied diet so that he maintains his coloration. Good luck!


Active Member
We have a foxface in our 175 gallon reef and he is a model citizen. Great fish with a lot of personality, just be careful of his dorsal spines… he’s venomous. :eek: Ours is a strict vegetarian… he won’t touch anything but algae sheets.


Active Member
Kreach, this is a little off topic, but my naso tang is crazy about seaweed sheets and occasionally he will eat some mysis shrimp. I'm wondering if it's nutritionally enough base on a diet like that?:thinking: :notsure:


Active Member
It sounds ok, but I would try to vary up the meaty part of his diet if you can. Perhaps try Marine Cuisine Carniverous formula... it's a mixture of several meaty foods. You can also soak his food in Zoe for a bit of added nutrients. HTH


Thanks folks! I thought they were reef safe and the lfs guy said they were, but a rival website selling fish said they weren't.