Foxface Rabbit fish??


Active Member
because a foxface is not a tang yes ,its of the rabbit fish family not of the tangs and sureons.just remeber the foxface is venomous his fins contain razor sharp points that contain venom


Active Member
I have. The other fish pretty well know to leave it alone. I've never had aggression problems. I've kept mine with a Naso, Kole, and Orange Shoulder in a tank, and I've had one in a tank with a Kole and Mimic with no problems, other than the stupid things keep dying on me. The first one got caught in an overflow, and the other died for no reason two weeks after purchase (I suspect Cyanide or a bad Coral sting). I don't keep them anymore.


New Member
I have a Foxface Rabbitfish and a Pacific Blue Tang together. At first the tang was really interested in the Foxface but now they actually school together. Since the Foxface isn't a tang you should have no problem with them. I have heard reports that you should introduce the Foxface into the tank first and then the tang. I had done this before I heard about it but I don't see why it shouldn't work the other way around.

dea bad lt

My yellow and my blue tang harrass my foxface. I put the foxface in last. I've been debating whether or not to take him back to my lfs, if they don' t start to settle down.


I have a foxface with a blue hippo and powder blue. He is the most passive of the bunch and they all get along. I would defenitely put the foxface in first if you can.


Originally Posted by A&A2
Would anyone combine a foxface rabbit fish with other tangs?


I have one in my is in with a chocolate tang, star triggerfish, humu humu, and a dog face puffer, and a chain link eel...He was the last fish I added and everyone seemed to pick on him at first...apparently they have all figured out that he is very venomous..because noone messes with him now..he even takes food away from the large humu humu..and by the way his best bud in the tank is now the tang, so I would say go for it...You may want to be prepared to move some of the rocks around though, it is amazing how well that little trick works!!


heres apic of my chocolate..I actually have 2 of them..this is the one in my reef tank , not the one in the fowlr though..they are about the same size though he is the one above the juvenile orange shoulder


Active Member
I've had them together for years in both reef and fowlr. Never a problem. They play a tug of war with nori all the time.
Foxface is a great fish imo.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NM reef
A foxface can do very well in a tank with is my posse...
The pic of your posse is great! I love it!
Denise M.