Foxface Rabbitfish Behavior


I have a new foxface rabbitfish that has been in quarantine for the past 3 weeks. It seems that he is always hiding. Is this common behavior for this fish.
Nothing else seems odd. He eats fine. When out to eat he seems to behave normally. Breathing is fine.
Just runs and hides whenever someone is in the room.


Foxface are skiddish fish at first. Mine was always a big wuss. I wouldn't worry he'll get used to you and people in the room.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Zsalinas
Foxface are skiddish fish at first. Mine was always a big wuss. I wouldn't worry he'll get used to you and people in the room.
Mine too. Perfectly normal.


he might change his colors when he does this as well. its nothing to be alarmed about its part of their behavior.

clown boy

Active Member
Mine does it all the time. His spines stick up, his body turns dark brown with white spots, and his face turns white. I call it "Lionfish Mode". :)


Minbe does it all the time even after a month. He is usually fine after aminute or two of movement :thinking: