Foxface Rabbitfish Question

nm reef

Active Member
I am seriously considering adding one of these to my reef in an attempt to battle a persistant valonia problem and an emerging bryopsis problem. I am aware that they are listed as "not reef safe" and have been reported to nip corals.But then my coral beauty is reportedly a coral nipper too...but he's been fine.
What I'd like to hear is any personal experience with these fish in a reef setting.
Please understand that this addition is only "under consideration"...and the verdict is still to be decided. Chances are I'll avoid the foxface due to its reputation....I'm just looking for hands on experience if ya'all have any to share.
As always thanks in advance.


Let see, I had one for over a year in a 55.
Had xena, leathers, star polyps, button polyps, BTA. He never went after any of those or any other inverts.
Loved nori, flakes, mysis, formula I, grape culerpa
Hated when I did a waterchange.
After he was gone I did wind up with more encrusting sponges on my liverock, but unsure whether to attibute it to his feeding habits.
He would have liked more room to swim though :( my fault.
Sorry NM thats about all I can remember off the top of my thinning head.

nm reef

Active Member
Thanks for the info thomas...basically what I've heard is that they are prone to coral nipping same as some of the dwarf angels. I do keep several softies/polyps/shrooms...and several LPS corals. I just need to decide if its a risk I want to take. The reef is a 55 but will be much larger as soon as the wife and kids leave my savings alone. :D
Serious....the 150 display was almost a done deal....then I hear fix my sauna....replace my washer/dryer...lets go on sell some of that stock you've now its back to saving again....maybe by next spring I can replace my 55 display.
For now though I'm still looking at the foxface in the 55....anybody else with experience?:cool:

nm reef

Active Member
Very encouraging information...matchs close to what research has shown....maybe I need to locate a healthy juvinile and set up the "Q" tank once again. His tank mates will be my tomato clown/hippo tang/coral beauty....I'm sure the bio-load will remain stable...but the tomato clown may need to be re-located.

bang guy

As mush as I love my Foxface I must say "bad Idea". I have one and really enoy it but I'm convinced that my 155 Bowfront is too small for a Rabbitfish. My mistake. The research pointed to a 6 foot tank being enough for a Foxface but I think they really need 8 feet. Sorry. I made a mistake, I hope you don't repeat it.


Active Member
I have had really good luck with the foxface, they have cleaned valonia, bryopsis, caulerpa, ect. out of my tanks in a matter of days, and the tanks stay spotless as far as that goes. My maroon killed one about a month ago that I had had for about 8 months prior, a week after it had been gone all the green stuff began to grow right back and the tank looked like the fox was never in there. I just got a new fox about a week ago and the tank is close to spotless again. I did have one take a bite out of a T.crocea, but Im not sure if it was the foxs fault or mine, the clam was a rescue from the LFS, and may have been too far gone and the fox was just picking at a dying clam, which was dead the next morning. I can say that the two squamosas, derasa, and hippo clams in the tank have remained untouched, as has everything else in the tank. I think they are really neat fish, and the best herbivores I have ever kept, but theres always the chance youll get a crazy glue sniffing coral eater that will pick your corals to death ;)

nm reef

Active Member
Sincerely apperciate the input...definitely sounds possible to add one. Bangguy caused some concern with the following:
I have one and really enoy it but I'm convinced that my 155 Bowfront is too small for a Rabbitfish.
I'm aware that most info suggests a minimum of 75 gals for them....bangguy can you provide info on growth rate? How long has this fish been in your system?


Active Member
Mine absolutely destroyed any and all macro, but never once even touched any micro algae. Never once has toched a coral either...


I had one for a few months but died due to a tank wipeout during a move. I lost everything cept for a gold banded maroon adn my corals. He never touched a coral and since he was just a small juv he was fine and happy in the 55. Ive wanted to get another but all ive seen are large ones.

bang guy

I got the Foxface two years ago and it was about 1.5 inches. It's now over 6" and still growing rapidly.
I might be wrong about this. I only make the statement because it's just as active as my Tang. Perhaps they don't get stressed from being cramped like Tangs. It's a really fast fish but it's also extremely peaceful. It could be that comparing it to a Tang is off base.
It's really cool to see it change colors when it tries to hide or when it's sleeping.


I have had a two Barred Rabbitfish for a year now and it has not bother really anything. It is a very peaceful fish, very, very active, very social. He really is an amzing fish. He gets along with all the other fish, if someone bothers him he just ignore's them.:p I have him in a 140 and so far so good. I will admit that he has grown twice his size since I have had him.
If I every figure out and try I could post a pic, :rolleyes: