Foxface Venom


Many consider it to be equal to a bee sting - if you are allergic to bee stings then it could be deadly. Generally people experience the pain at the sting site and a little numbness around it. Either way it's not a lot of fun


My porc puffer got stung by my foxface and lived. Some swelling and inactivity for a couple of days but was just fine after. I've heard it is like a bad beesting if stung. Just be aware of where its at when your hands are in the tank.

mx mr bean

thanks guys btw what do they eat? lol ive tried flakes and mysis. its about the econd day and he didnt eat anything. what else should i try?
Originally Posted by mx Mr Bean
thanks guys btw what do they eat? lol ive tried flakes and mysis. its about the econd day and he didnt eat anything. what else should i try?
Foxface rabbit fish are huge vegetarians. Try some nori sheets. My foxface loves the frozen formula one and formula two and nori. He doesn't really like mysis shrimp


Originally Posted by mx Mr Bean
thanks guys btw what do they eat? lol ive tried flakes and mysis. its about the econd day and he didnt eat anything. what else should i try?
What sized tank is this? I am guessing that you did not do research on this fish. Pick up some frozen formula foods for herbivores. How old is your tank?

mx mr bean

its 90 gallons and about a year and 3 months. and yes i did research the fish. i know that there herbivores and graze on nori but i cant get him to eat flakes. so i need to find somethin he likes as his main meal.


Mine eats a mixture of pellets and algae sheets. When I put in the algae sheets he goes nuts and devours it. Good luck!!