

hello,i have a new foxface he has been in for over a week.he looks fine and is breathing normal but he kinda stays in one spot all the time. in a dark cave. seen him eat some shrimp and a little bit of nori.but he doesnt come out and go crazy.just wondering if he is still getting used to his new home or should i look for more.all test ok temp 80 everything else doing good. well my clown just hovers over top of him ever since the fox went in the clown just hangs around him:notsure: thx in advance.


Staff member
Hard to tell since you can't really get a good look at him to see if anything is wrong.
What other fish are in the tank? Could there be any aggression going on?


Foxfaces have very docile sweet temperments. Even though they will raise their dorsels if frightened or threatened, {the points have a toxin in them for protection} have never seen them attack. Just get very large. Your fish is timid and if there are aggressive fish in there it will hide out much of the time. Very hardy fish.


thank you for the replies.i guess he just needed some time.took a week for him to come out.he swims all over good color eating everything. my favorite fish.thx again


Have always considered my foxface the most "dignified" of fishes. Loved him or her. Had to find a larger tank but had him for 4-5 years. He or she loved following the clowns around. Very peaceful fish. Am so glad he has made himself at home.