Frag Sizes


So I am going to frag some corals tonight but I have a quick question as far as frag sizes.
For a mushroom how big does it have to be before I frag it? I am assuming there is a general size that it needs to be to frag so that it doesn't just kill it off. I have one about an inch in diameter that I have a couple of and wouldn't mind giving shroom fragging a shot with it. (blue discosoma)
Also when it comes to fragging zoos and cloves how many polyps do I want to frag off so that I can assure they live. I tried it a couple months back and I don't know if was because of the fact that it was only 1 full grown and 1 growing polyp that it died or if it was because of the fact that it got a little mangled up trying to get it off the rock.
I have had success with other frags like leathers and xenia but I am wondering how big these two frags should be so that I can assure that they will live.
Thank you for your time,


Active Member
To frag shrooms, the easiest way is to just chop off it's head, i just stick the scissors in the tank and make a clean cut between the head and the base. Put the head somewhere where it will attach and the base will grow a head fast. I do this all the time in my tank.


Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
what pet stores do u go to in WI??
I mostly go to Janesville because it is closest. I go to Petland (which is by no means *****) and Preferred Pets. Petland has a wide variety of basic bland corals with the occasional good find and you have to watch for ich(I know the guy that runs it, hes pretty nice and I usually walk out with some free or cheaper then advertised corals. Preferred Pets doesn't hardly have a coral selection but the fish are healthier.
I will actually be going to Petland in about an hour or less.
Originally Posted by ci11337

To frag shrooms, the easiest way is to just chop off it's head, i just stick the scissors in the tank and make a clean cut between the head and the base. Put the head somewhere where it will attach and the base will grow a head fast. I do this all the time in my tank.
The way I frag shrooms is I pull them out of the tank and cut the head off but I have had no success so far. One of them I fragged died and took the one next to it with it.
I am still trying to find out if I should wait till a shroom is a certain size or not before I frag it. I have a shroom that is an inch in diameter that I want to frag but I won't do it if its too small to survive.
The only corals I have had success in fragging to this date are: Xenia, GSP, and a Cabbage Leather. Out of all the times I have tried to frag I would have thought that the Xenia would have been the one to die (It scrunched up when I touched it and I basically scrapped it in half)


An inch is perfect to frag a mushroom.The best way to do it is to cut the mushroom off the rock with a little hunk of rock attached if you can.Next cut the mushrooom completely in half so both halves still have a portion of the corals mouth.In about a week or 2 they should both heal and be doing great.It has worked for me plenty of times.I wouldent advise cutting the head off.It is to easy to pinch the coral to death instead of actually slicing flesh.Hope this help


Active Member
I have fragged shrooms from a 1/4 to 6 inches buy just chopping their heads off in the tank, never had any die. If you had a frag die you should check your params. i couldn't kill mine if i wanted too. Maybe fragging them outa the water dosen't work aswell. I actually have a problem with to many shrooms so i frag them and trade them to the LFS all the time.


I figured out my fragging problem. It was the blades. I was using basic Stanley Utility Knife blades because I bought a 100 pack of them. I don't know if it was because of the oil on them or if it was from the rust that was occurring when it touched the saltwater but I had more corals die than live. I went out and bought a set of stainless embroidery scissors from W-Mart and now nothing has died. (These scissors work awesome BTW they have long skinny blades). Right now I am making a colony of mushrooms by fragging and reattaching them to the same piece of LR.