frag tank diary


Should I wait a little bit? I just placed it in the tank yesterday. Once I do frag it, can I just cut some branches off and super glue them to a piece of rock?


I wish I had a good camera to show better pics. I just got some coral vite and coral accel both kent products. I read many reviews yesterday and they all loved and raved about these I am reading that I dont need it. Anyone have any thoughts on this?


I dont know. Some people are saying that these producs are a rip off because if you do your water changes regularly you should be fine.


Here are some new pics of the tank!!!

I took out the sand and traded molly (blue tail damsel) for Brooke(manderan).
So far in the tank this is what I have...
some nice eagle eys
(4 polpys for $5)
green zoas
watermellon zoas
Some other zoas that I don't know the name of (any ideas pic below)
yellow polpys
a toadstool its a tyree (sp?)
Trumpet/candycane corol
green star polpys
I also put a small pastic bowl at the bottom for new frags that need to attach to something.
I also added more flow. The guy at the LFS here sold me a small pump 185gph for $5. What do yall think?
Attached Images



your frag tank seems to be coming along nicely i really like the tyree and eagle eyes its damon by the way and frag the mess out of that kenya and you will have more than you know what to do with soon