frag tank filtration needs


eric b 125

i'm going to build a frag tank using a 40 breeder (or other tank with 36"X18" footprint). i have a fixture that has one 250 watt MH and two 96 watt PC. i'll need to buy a new heater and build the racks, too. what kind of filtration will i need aside from some LR? i dont want to go to all the trouble of connecting it to my main system... maybe when the weather gets nicer. any suggestions are very appreciated.


Active Member
Frag tanks are usually either tied to the main system or they run a separate sump/skimmer setup. If your bring in drags and such why risk introducing pests that could/can easily hide. At least with an open tank with a rack system it would easily be able to eradicate anything if the need would arise. LR isn't needed for filtration. Check out places like Dr. MAc, That Pet Place.... No LR, no issues!!!


Active Member
There are a couple options you can do
1.No sand or rock in the frag tank but have a sump with the sand and live rock. Get a canister filter or hang on back filter recomended for that size tank. Put Chaeto or whatever else in the sump
2. Sand but no live rock make sure its a good thick sand bed at least 2'' use a canister or hang on back recomended for that size tank. no sump or you can have a sump
3. no sand just live rock sump or no sump. Place the live rock all over the bottom of the tank on egg crate or elivated egg crate then place another piece of egg crate on top of that for all the frags
3. no sand no live rock sump or no sump you will need a big filter to do this probaby the Aquaclear 110 or a large canister filter. This is the risky route but can work.
Either way you want to make sure you do lots of good water changes if you are going the no sand or no rock route.

eric b 125

i was planning on building a rack system out of pvc and eggcrate. i thought i would maybe put the LR underneath the rack, but now that you mention it i think i'll leave it out. i dont want to go to all the trouble of a sump, so i'll probably do a canister but like i said, i may connect it to my main system when the weather gets nicer.