frag tank


Active Member
ok i have a 20 gallon tank, im gonna make it a frag tankwut else should i put besides light, wut kinda filter do i need, and should i put sand and lr in it


with frag tanks you want the least amount of mutrients, so.
Good protien skimmer,
no fish,
nice lights (MHs),
no sandbed,
you can have live rock, but eggcrate racked made of eggcrate and PVC are alot better, easy to place frags on, and deasy for flow.
what kinda frags?


Active Member
k thnx, if i were to frag sps would i need mh or could i put them on the top shelf to get the most light


Active Member
I'd say max out your VHO instead of going MH for a frag tank.
I've heard of frag tanks being run without filtration, with the water for regular water changes comming from the "mother tank." A skimmer would be best, but if you're running a budget tank, you can get away without it on a secondary tank that isn't fed. The frags themselves shouldn't produce many waste organics unless thier health fails.


Active Member
im gonna use the 2x96w pc fixture i already have, so i guess sps frags r out of the question,
Also ne1 who has a frag tank can i see pics of it


iff possible add the tank to your main tank, so you dont have to worry abotu filtration, that would eb est, but if something happens to the main tank like a spike, it will affect the frags.