Fragging a Kenya Tree?????


I have a rather large green kenya tree. It is getting to the point where i need to cut it back. It is about 10 inches accross and about 1 ft tall. Has about 20 branches and looks great. I need to know if i can just cut off pieces like a leather. It has been hard for me to find info on kenya trees. Any info would be great thanks.

nm reef

Active Member
I've never kept one myself but its my understanding that they can be fragged much the same as leathers....cut a branch off at the base and allow it to reattach. Maybe a member with hands on experience fragging them will provide additional input.


I have frag'd several.
If its as large as your stating...WOW! :) I would LOVE a frag, so do send :) I'll pay you :)
Anyways ...I would find an area near the middle if your going for a straight cut in half frag. Cut straight down the middle with an EXTREMELY sharpe blade ...yes, BLADE. you want to do as little damage as possible. (In the wild it wouldn't matter ..why?..because levels are perfect tons of current etc) ..we dont have that luxary... anywho ... from there take a wood chizzel or something of that nature the base of the animal...try and pull a little rock with it if you can (so when you move have something to work with...from there ...just lay it next to another rock, or use wedding vail (I like that the best) ...tie the vail around the coral/rock ...leave it in a good place with good water flow...and in about 2 weeks you will have an amazing coral frag :)
Hope this helps!


after about a week of it looking like crap and dropping many branches (90% reattached and started there own daughter colony, 10% gave to a bud to do the same) it popped right back up and looks like new again. I love it when my corals do the hard part for me (frag them self)


ok sounds easy enough. I might try it out sometime soon. Here is some pics of it. I did a google search for kenya tree and mine looks kinda different. It might be something else, I am not forsure. The first pic is off the left side of my tank, the second pic is a close up of the tree. You can see my clown globy hiding in the tree. The 3rd pic is off the baltimore aquarium, it is about 4ft across the pic. the ledges are huge and they have a huge tree also. There tree is about 3 ft tall and 2 ft wide. I hope maybe someone can help me out. :jumping:



Active Member
I've found when using scissors instead of a razor to frag a coral, the frag and coral heal much more quickly.