fragging candy cane

jb rekit

I have a green one and a pink one that started off as a bunch of branches with a head at the end of each one, now it is a full ball and you can;t even see a branch.
Do I just break it apart? Or cut it with something? And if so does it matter at all how many pieces I make?
I think I might do my torch coral too. It has about 7 - 8 large heads on it.


New Member
i posted the same question but on this site. Here is what they had to say...
Links to other hobby related forums are not allowed!

jb rekit

Thanks... thats what I thought.
I guess I will make about 6 green ones and maybe 3 pink ones;)
I think I will need to use a hacksaw on my torch though (the branches are about 1" or more in diameter.
I'll post pics later if I get a chance...I just hate having to resize them to fit on this page. I probably won't have time to do it now until the end ot the week (don't feel like doing anymore tonight)


New Member
Im going to have to delete that internet site "as it is against site policy and is just plain rude" Although i am currently unaware to where it says its against site policy i will listen NM Reef. As for it being rude, i strongly agree. Dont you? I mean trying to help people *GASP*. Of course disconnecting my ability to Private Message...that will solve everything dont you think? I highly doubt you will see me on this site again. I'm going to stay on the site i posted earlier. If you would like to know what it is, im sure a moderator will gladly tell you. All in all, i think the moderator/administrator acted harshly and merely wishes to sell you products from this site. I've been on many forums, all of which gladly accepted sites from different people including me. Good-bye.


grow up and think about it. Lets say you own a store, and you overhear one customer saying they have the same products at another store, and tell everyone to shop there for whatever reason. How are you gunna feel? Enjoy your other message boards, I know ill enjoy this one do to the fact that I wont see you post on it.


To those who didnt get to see what was posted on the link:
The best way to break apart Candy Cane would be to try to break it apart as far down as you can, if you break it close to the head there is a risk of damaging the head itself but you will also have problems placing it the tank if its pretty much just a head.
Also you can cut them or break them either way will work as long as you do your best not to damage the head.
Same goes for any other branched hard corals.

jb rekit

Finally got around to fragging some things
I'll see if i can figure out how to post some pics on here
2 of 5 green candy cane frags


Originally Posted by aburitojr
Although i am currently unaware to where it says its against site policy i will listen NM Reef.
Of course disconnecting my ability to Private Message...that will solve everything dont you think? .

Are you serious!?!? You are currently "unaware"??? Did you not READ the agreement when you logged on to this sight?? What am I saying, of course you didn't, because if you did then you would be AWARE from the moment YOU CLICKED THE "AGREE" TAB.
As far as private messaging, don't take such offense. SWF hasn't enabled that in at LEAST 5 years!! So it ain't all about you! Nobody can PM.