Fragging Frog Spawn


Active Member
How do you frag Branching Frog Spawn??? do i just braek off one of the branches or what???? while im here i might as well ask about mushrooms too, how do you frag them, and can bubble coral and fox corals be fragged, if so how? thanx Todd


Active Member
Wow i had no idea they could be out of the water that long, thats good to know. What about the rest of my questions from the original post, do you know the answers to them?? especially the fox coral?? thanx again tod


I just fragged my frog spawn. Just reach in the tank with both hands and break it apart. It ts VERY easy! You break it off in twu branch chunks.


There was a really good thread on fragging mushrooms I read recently. Unfortunately, I think it was one I ran across when I was searching for something else. I'll see if I can find it again, but you may want to try looking yourself. The guy went through it step by step and had a lot of pictures. Wish I could remember more.


Active Member
Hey Blemmy what color is your frogspawn?
I am looking for a tiny frag
Let me know what you plan to sell/trade ok?


Active Member
it already looks twice that good since i got the new lights, ill post some new pics this weekend., as soon as i can ill let ya know about the frag. todd


i wouldn't mind a frag... or some info on it :)
jewdontknow at hotmail dot com


Active Member
ok, im headed to the store right now, and kinda sickly tonight so prob. off to bed early tonight but ill get it to ya tomorrow. todd



Originally posted by Blemmy_Guy
ok i will, heres a pic of it.

I now have 3 pieces of this one in my tank. I just grab a hunk and snap it off.
Is this the color you are interested in?



Originally posted by dicemanj
salty, how much for a frag of that frog. Shipped to 43147?

shipping costs by FED EX overnight by 10 AM delivery was $21.
I've never sold and shipped frags other than to my lfs. What is the process used by most folks on this forum???
I would be happy to sell you a frag. Help me understand how to get that done.


I'm thinking about heading up to this frag swap in Cincy. Were you aware of this event? Could possibly bring a frog spawn frag and save the shipping costs?
Cincyreef Club Frag Swap
10:00 AM Saturday, March 05 2005 Duration: 5:00
Date: MARCH 5,2005
Time: 10AM--3pm
Admission: $5.00 which includes 1 free raffle ticket
The Underground
1140 Smiley Avenue
Forest Park, OH 45240