fragging hairy shrooms


Simple question do I frag hairy mushrooms the same way as regular ones? I would follow kips lead gel and netting. Thanks

nm reef

Active Member
Yup...I suppose they'd frag about the same. But why? I prefer to just let 'em multiply on their own. Place some rubble near by and before long they'll spread onto the rubble...then relocate the rubble. The furry/frilly 'shrooms I have spread on their own with no encouragement from me.:cool:


good food and good light and they will take off. the one thing about hairy shrooms the do eat meaty foods and the more you feed them the more energy they have to split and spread.


Active Member
I agitate mine to encourage more spreading, tilting the rock sideways, or aiming a PH right at them. I was under the impression that cutting them would not produce the same results as regular in they will sometimes die, and are not as tolerant to the old scalpel....were talking about big hairy shrooms like this one right


cant tell by the photo but mine are 2-3 inch across. I will try moving them, hate to upset their happy little lives.... Then again scapel doesnt sound good either.


How long have you had them? Mine just dropped another "baby" onto the sandbed last week - they will start to take over the tank in time, without careful management.
If you want more, you can probably find some reefers in your area that would be happy to unload a few... kind of like xenia after a while.