Fragging Hammer coral?


Active Member
I don't think you can. LPS are hard and they have to spawn. They are not like leathers you can just cut up.
Someone else can maybe give you more detail.


Active Member
A hammer coral will split and start to grow a new stalk sometimes. You can break it at the split once there is enogh stalk there..


Wamp might have the only semi-safe way of doing this.
Otherwise I would think it would be extremely difficult to break that hard base without damaging the soft part severely, stressing the coral or killing it.
Not sure why you bought it if it was too big, but maybe you could take it back for a smaller one?
If you have to pull out the hammer, dremmel, plyers, whatever, at least have some Tech-D Coral Dip handy to help prevent disease.
Sorry, hammer corals are my favorite.


Active Member
Euphyllia sp. are pretty simple to frag, like mentioned above you have to be very carefull not to damage the tissue, otherwise its just a matter of breaking off a branch, I would use a pair of pliers or a dreamel if possible, although I would be a little worried about the vibration caused by a power tool. Just my $.02 ;) Make the cut/break as far away from the polyp as possible and then just super glue it to a rock or wedge it into the rock work. HTH


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Check ou the site on propagation. There is a very detailed step by step of how to do stoney (lps) corals. It takes patience and a tiny bit of skill, but it can be done. You can call them up for direct over the phone help too.
You basically make a small cut on the bottom of the skeleton and slowly insert a wedge to split it. The coral "feels" the pressure and divides over time. This process takes a while as mentioned. But the coral divides itself, so there is no real trauma, just steady pressure to divide.
NM reef had to frag his green hammer. Ask him how he did it. It has recovered nicely from his new pics.