Fragging Kenya Tree Coral?


I have a few Kenya tree corals that I want to frag,how would I go about doing this?I was thinking of just snipping off the stalk like when you frag xenia,is that right?And then just sticking a plastic toothpick through it and holding down the toothpick with a rubber band or something.Is that a good way?If picturres are possible,please post them.thanks

tahoe ocean

My Kenya drops a few branches each month and basically frags itself. If it's getting overgrown, then I prune the branches back and drop them into the rubble pile. They take about a week to attach to rubble and then I give them away to whoever will take them. My kenya is very aggressive, I have to keep it pruned back so that it doesn't irritate any of the other corals. Good luck!


Do a search for "fraggin the beast." Picture detailed step by step process of fragging a colt coral. Very helpful and informative.