I want to frag my mushrooms but I do not know how to cut them off? Any suggestions on fragging mushrooms. I've never fragged before. I would be using mesh and a rubber band most likely to hold it onto the rock..?
Didnt know people fragged shrooms.. Thought it was just something that happens after awhile.. Its one of those things that have only one mouth not like sps or leathers and stuff.
would be sorta like tring to frag a anemone imo, but i could be wrong :notsure:
Just slice it up like a pie is normally cut. I place mine on a platic lid from a coffee can, and slice it into 4 or 8 pieces cutting through the mouth if possible, and they all seem to do just fine afterwards.
yup just slice it right down the center. try to get it it right the 1rst cut and use a sharp razor or box cutter because if you dont get it right the first cut you have a bunch of slime and shrivels up mushroom to deal with.