fragging mushrooms


okay i just fragged some mushrooms a while ago i dont think it went so well but i just have some questions
1. How long does it take for the mushroom to attach to the rock?
2. i'm using mesh to keep the mushrooms on the rock anything better to use?


also are Anthelias good in an aquarium i went to a frag swap and got it for 5 dollars and its starting to spread are they like xenias?


Active Member
generally you should cut them then let them sit around on the sand in a lowerflow area to let them heal up and attach to sand (larger particles). i currently have about 12 shrooms doing this. you can put them into a tupperware container as well. then you can glue the sand to whatever rock you're trying to attach them to.
the mesh works, but you want them to heal up before squishing onto your rock.
anthelia is a cousin to xenia, so yes, it can spread quite nicely.