Fragging or propagating Frogspawn??


Active Member
Is there anyway to frag or propogate frogspawns??? Othere than just breaking off the stems?? Help!! Thanx Todd


Active Member
The first way you stated is the way you have to do it. You really just have to cut/break (using a dremel with the cutting bit is easiest imo) a branch off at the base of the branch.


Active Member
Ive done that before. But I have some Dead branches that ive acumulated over time. And i was wondering if theres any way to get it to start growing, or get some New frog spawn into the old branches! I was thinking about tying an old branch head right by the branch head of a live one and maybe seading it with something???? Any bright ideas would help! Thanx for the responses by the way!


Active Member
Interested in this thread....would love to know if there's another way besides taking the hacksaw to a branch


i have 3 very large frags of frogspawn and i always frag mine. I just take it in 2 hands and apply some force and where ever it breaks i get a new frag. I frogspawn will not seed or go into a spot that is dead. As a frogspawn grows it creates it own base over time, it uses calcium and other supplents just like a hard coral to grow. here is some pics of my frags.


Active Member
Most branching LPS like frogspawn can only reproduce buy growing new branches mostly sprouting from the side of the fleshy area of a head or one head slowly spliting into two or more and growing from there OR buy releaseing sporse into the water currents. When they get big with lots of branches, people frag them buy cutting the branches somewhere near where the branches split. Best to seal the cut with epoxy or simular to keep parisites, ect. from infecting the polyps from getting thru the skeleton. Sometimes the polyps will ' Bail Out " from the skeleton IMO, from issues relating to stress of some type like poor water or lighting as a way to escape and try to reattach somewhere else.