Fragging question


I'm going to do a "search" to try to find info, but my problem is that the capnella that I bought about a month and a half ago, has tripled in size. it looks like a stand of elms!! How do I split these up without killing it and attach to other pieces of rock.


Jarre, Thanks, that had all the info I wanted.
They keep referring to "reef glue". Will Super Glue work just as well?


Another question. When you cut the head off a stalk, do you need to pinch the stalk to close it up, so no fluids leak out? Or not necessary.


Your welcome!! I wouldn't pinch the stalk, it may cause damage you don't want. The cuts are clean and will heal quicker from what I've read. They sell reef glue, which is a super glue mixer of some kind. I have some and it does indeed glue your fingers together if you're not careful!! LOL
You can find the glue on the net in many different locations.


You can use any kind of super glue as long as it is "cyano-acrylate" based. The reef glue that most places sell is normal super glue gel. I get mine at HD or walmart, it's the same stuff for a tenth of the cost of "reef glue." Ross sells it in big tubes if you want to stay away from the normal tiny ones. I've never had any problems using it.