Fragging questions....


Two Questions.....
I'm not sure if this is the correct name but I have some green palys that I might want to frag. I've had it about 6 months and it has tripled in size!! How do you frag these? Here's a pic
This is when it was small!!
Also my next question is about my mint star poylps (I think that's what it's called) This has also grown rapidly and is coming close to my center clove polyps! The center clove is also growing well, but I don't want the mint stars to take over....How do I frag these?? Here's another pic
This is MUCH bigger now and has encrusted itself to the rocks.. What do you think??


Active Member
for the gsp, you will have to gently peel the purple mat back and just cut it with a blade. simple as that. for the palys, you will need to either break the rock or what ever it is on, or take a razor blade and scrape underneath the stem and dig into the rock/frag disc what ever is it on. make sure to get some of the rock underneath. the glue can sometimes burn the tissue of the zoanthids or palys. i find palys a little harder to frag since their polyps are huge. def. do-able. jut dont rush it. use some super glue gel that contains cyanocrylate and glue your newly fragged animal to something.