To secure the eggcrate I cut some 3/4" PVC pipe about 2" long, drilled a hole thru each one and then used a small zip tie to secure it to the eggcrate and then simply set it in the tank. I used broken up LR to frag everything, then I switched over to using cool looking shells and even chunks of dead SPS coral. The lighting was a 96w PC and I don't care what anyone says, for softies this was an incredible frag tank, every zoo frag grew like crazy, cloves and green star loved it. I ended up selling most of the frags and I think I ended up pocketing around $1200. The goal was to sell off enough to pay for my 72" HQI lights for the new tank. I have a new frag tank that I'll start working on in another month or so. It was my very first reef tank, a 75g plexi show tank that measured 36"t x 36w x 12d. (payed $50 for it) I'm going to use a piee of acrylic and seal up the top of the tank and then lay it on its side and cut the front off the tank but leave a band about 1" wide which will give me some bracing. then I'll have a 36" square thank thats 12" deep. From the front part of the tank that I'm going to cut out, I'll make an internal overflow. Don't be afraid to kinda "do whatever" Aqain, as long as you have lighting, water flow and water quality you can use anything to make a frag tank, amazing how many people in this hobby have to have elaborate and ultra high tech equipment simply because they think it's needed. I have an incredible 125 that is loaded with SPS, LPS Softies, Clams, Leathers and everything is multiplying and growing at an incredible rate (I've actually run out of tank space) and all that I have is a protein skimmers and a sump with a clump of chaeto in it.