Fragging Yellow Polyps?


I have never done a frag before in my life. However I have my rock full of Y.P. and they have already doubled in numbers. Way too man for me. Anyway I was wondering if I could frag them, and if it is possible, how do it do it? thanks


Active Member
Yellow are more aggressive then most other polyps, make sure you dont put the frags where they will spread into or over something else. If you are planning on breaking the rock then its simple, just do the math ...1 large colony + hammer = two or three smaller colonies. if moving individual polyps to new locations to seed colonies remember they grow fastest on smoother surfaces. there are several threads about best methods including seeding cups or netting the new polyp to the desided location.
remember too, if you are having great success with one species and you have the room without hurtuing another, let it beef out and then in a couple of months you can trade them off for other items without cringing in the pocket. Loads on here to swap frags with.
Happy fragging and good luck

30-xtra high

Active Member
thank you for making this thread!, i got a rock with 30 yellow polyps about a month ago, and now theres already 50 polyps, i've been wondering how to frag them.
and do you just pluck them at the base, or use a razor blade to cut them??


Active Member
If you cut on the so called trunk of the polyp like you were cutting down a tree then it will regrow a new head and you can place the head you cut off wherever you like, there is much debate about how close or far from the bottom to cut, but any wich way should work fine.


i've read many ways of how to attach the frag. I was thinking super glue GEL will work and be the easiest for this type of coral. what do you think?


Active Member
I rarley glue anything, I get something in my sphincter about every few months and completly rearange the reef. I use like little petri dishes with small rubble and the frag inside once they attach I just poke the little piece of rubble where i want it and let the foot spread over it completly invisible.
small polyps especially individual heads can be a challenge and since I rarley use glue, I rarely have it around handy. Works sure, but i never use it I just put in smaller rubble and a half dozen heads in the little petri dishes then move them once they attach.
we all do it differently I just hate the look of plugs in the tank. Glue should work fine if you can get it to stick.


Active Member
like reef says, take advantage of this.
if you have another tank, set it up, throw some lighting on it, and all kinds of lr rubble (smaller pieces, maybe golf ball size) and let the yellow polyps go to town.
you'll make a killing with trades for other frags.


so with this frag tank should I take my YP rock and put the whole thing into it or should I take a frag and put that into the tank? Which would have the best results? I like the sounnd do doing some trading!


Active Member
set up a small tank. treat it like any other SW tank. since there is no fish in it the bioload should be almost nothing. Use water from your existing tank and maybe a rock, break the rock into small peices with a hammer and spread across bottom of tank. add some light and a small powerhead and heater...... bammo!, you have a frag tank. glue/rubberband/net your frags onto the piece and toss them into the fragtank to grow and multiply. Then take pics, show them off, and trade them.


Active Member
I just went ahead and built a new frag set up below is the link. I do ALOT of frags so this is overkill for most but your question about filtration is two sided:
1st option- since most frag tanks dont get heavy use and most folks lose intrest in fragging when it takes time and attention, also its another tank to maintain so keep it very simple so you can scrap the idea if it gets to be a pain and you dont lose a bunch of $$$. No, you wont need filtration if you are prepared for alot of water changes and no fish, keep the bio-load as small as possible, Small frags dont make almost any waste. With smaller more quick set-ups the hardest thing is to keep everything consistant. Shallow to maximize lighting but then temp suffers. Small to keep lighting costs down, but then tank volume is so small its difficult to address issues if/when they happen before its too late. Most expensive part will be the lighting.
Add heater, lights and flow thats it.
2nd option- build a real system that includes everything any normal tank would just smaller and dont worry about asthetics. When in this hobby you wind up with quite a bit of surplus as time goes on. Use it and reap the rewards by not worrying about asthetics. This way is more expensive but much more stable and that promotes faster growth.
I am not in anyway an official on this but heres my frag tank build. It could be done for a fraction of what I did but I had some surplus goodies