Fragging zoos


New Member
summer this is how i did min first get all your suppplies together. what you'll need: a couple of containers like thos ziplock things you can store leftovers in. I put tank water inthese for the zoos. medical exam gloves,safety glasses or a full face shield even better,zoos are very toxic and can squirt there nemotocyst when agatated. an x-acto knife tweezers and super-glu gel. and makesure it's the gel stuff. and some LR rubble preferably flat or round make sure it is dry. if you don't have any just break some off of the rock in your tank make sure to dry it though. i kinda irritate my zoos b-4 itake them out don't worry about them being out to long you can squirt them w some water from the tank.your two bowls should already have tankwater unfragged in one of them the other it set the frags you gonna cut off. with the x-acto dig under the mat of the zoos and try to get a some of the rock it's attached to. don't cut the polyps. set the frags in the other containe now as you try to remove more frags. zoos are pretty resilient so you can hve them out of water for a little while. when your done doin surgery grab the super glu gel put a tiny amount on the rubble where you want to place your fraggged pieces put those on then place in the container of tank water b-cuz super glue heats as it cures this will cool it down alittle. the tweezers come in handy when you go to attach the frags.don't get any glu on the polyps either. i don't think it will hurt if it is onthe underide of the mat. mine didn't seem to mind it may take a day or two for them to open up. just remember safety first from what ive read on forums they have the strongest neurotoxin known to man. when ur done givem a good rinse or squirt and place them in a low flow area for a while hope this helps. I don't think ileft anything out.but if i did maybe some one can tell us how they do theirs


Active Member
Abelone shells are awesome substrates to frag zoo's onto, get creative and glue various color into several spots on the shells, after a couple of months you'll then have a pretty amazing looking zoo garden....I can't remember where I read this, but it seems to really work better than using LR as the base for the frags, but it had to do with a research paper that studied using various bases for fragging and that the best responce was when a calcium type of substrate was used, ie any type of shell, old pieces of broken, dead coral. Even chunks of white marble, the type used in everday tiles.... I personally like to frag my zoo's onto abalone shells, as you can get them in sizes from about 1" up to 6", but I also use tonga branches to make really big frag gardens..


I just snip them off with a scissors and let them float to where ever they want... more often than not in a couple of weeks I find them attatched to LR rubble on the bottom somewhere or on a shell on the bottom. I do the same with my mushrooms and I have them sprouting all over the place, been trading them away like crazy. I know it's crude as all heck and people will flame me for it but hey, it works.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RiDoMart
Nice thread. Where do you get abelone shells?
Your not limited to abelone shells, I simply like the shape and size. If you select to use the abelone shells, make sure they are not the polished ones, the surface needs to be original and rough. You can use just about any shell, most of the big pet stores have bags of them for a few bucks, you can even find bags of realy nice looking shells at Pier1 and Target


Not trying to hijack, but what if the the zoo's have grown from an original frag onto an adjacent rock that can't be removed?
I had this happen with a frag that was sitting on top of a rock that couldn't be moved. I had around 20 polyps on the original frag rock, and probably 10 on the rock that couldn't be moved. I wanted the ones on the rock to stay, and the ones on the frag rock to stay. I didn't really know what to do so I just ripped (mistake) the frag rock from its spot. This whitish mucus liquid expelled from the frag and I lost all the polyps on both rocks.
I have some more now than needs to be moved in the same circumstance. I'm thinking of taking a razor blade and attempting to cut the frag in half attempting to stay away from the polpys. (Which I think will be practically impossible.) Any suggestions?


Active Member
taking a razor blade is fine...just try not to cut those polyps, or make sure you have gloves on, dont need any toxins getting into any cuts,etc
I've always used a chisel and hammer, put it inbetween the polyps, hammer, and there ya go, a frag...then just put it back in...and away it grows some more


Active Member
I let mt zoos frag themselves. Here is a step by step guide...

1) Take a small shell and set it on the edge of a zoo colony.
2) Wait a couple weeks.
3) After a couple zoos have grown onto the shell jut pick it up and the zoos will come with it.
4) Put the frag in a area where it wont get blown away and it gets plenty of light.
5) Wait a few weeks and you will have a zoo frag!!
NOTE: I also do this with shrooms.


I found an info site that has blow by blow instructions and pictures on how to frag zoos. I don't think they sell anything, so I don't think I'm breaking any rulesby posting the link. If I am, sorry mods! ---hope this helps!


Active Member
Originally Posted by sum1famous
summer this is how i did min first get all your suppplies together. what you'll need: a couple of containers like thos ziplock things you can store leftovers in. I put tank water inthese for the zoos. medical exam gloves,safety glasses or a full face shield even better,zoos are very toxic and can squirt there nemotocyst when agatated. an x-acto knife tweezers and super-glu gel. and makesure it's the gel stuff. and some LR rubble preferably flat or round make sure it is dry. if you don't have any just break some off of the rock in your tank make sure to dry it though. i kinda irritate my zoos b-4 itake them out don't worry about them being out to long you can squirt them w some water from the tank.your two bowls should already have tankwater unfragged in one of them the other it set the frags you gonna cut off. with the x-acto dig under the mat of the zoos and try to get a some of the rock it's attached to. don't cut the polyps. set the frags in the other containe now as you try to remove more frags. zoos are pretty resilient so you can hve them out of water for a little while. when your done doin surgery grab the super glu gel put a tiny amount on the rubble where you want to place your fraggged pieces put those on then place in the container of tank water b-cuz super glue heats as it cures this will cool it down alittle. the tweezers come in handy when you go to attach the frags.don't get any glu on the polyps either. i don't think it will hurt if it is onthe underide of the mat. mine didn't seem to mind it may take a day or two for them to open up. just remember safety first from what ive read on forums they have the strongest neurotoxin known to man. when ur done givem a good rinse or squirt and place them in a low flow area for a while hope this helps. I don't think ileft anything out.but if i did maybe some one can tell us how they do theirs
I just take a rock and drop it into the middle of the colony I want a frag of wait a couple weeks for the zoos to start growing around it then pull the frag out and cut the rock free with a razor. the gloves and glasses are a good Idea though some zoos can hospitalize you. (I never use them but I live life on the edge) then I rinse them in some tank water in a bowl and I'm done. IMO superglueing and prying and tearing is just wayyyyy too much work. I'd only use superglue if you have a specific rock you want a colony on. letting them grow on works well for me. not saying there is anything wrong with what was said above but wow If I hadnt been doing it already that column would have scared me out of trying it.
I'm actually waiting for a frag of one of the deadliest Zoos on the planet its such a gorgeous marbled brown, I will wear gloves when fragging it, have no doubts about that.