I loved that show. I was alway scared when they would have to go into jim hensons work shop with the dog in there. And they would just have a conversation while eating whatever it was those little guys where constantly constructing
Fraggle Rock scared me when I was little. I can't believe they have a character named Boober on there, it made me laugh.
Who am I kidding, I still think it's funny.
no no wait, i went back and looked it up, it's "ma-na-ma-na" and that's from just the muppets, not fraggle rock. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTXyXuqfBLA
I confused them.
oh lordy I'm getting old.
a friend of mine recently bought the DVDs thinking it was the best thing from his childhood.
the next day his face so drawn. he said "some things are better left as memories"
that is seems to be the running theme of 80's shows....
Originally Posted by kikithemermaid http:///forum/post/2836880
Fraggle Rock scared me when I was little. I can't believe they have a character named Boober on there, it made me laugh.
Who am I kidding, I still think it's funny.
You know.... In retrospect the trash heap freaked me out as a kid.