

New Member
my yellow polyps are exploding and i was wondering if there was a way to pull a couple off and move them to a different spot in the tank. also i have a couple of different mushrooms that have been growing for the last couple of months , but not multiplying. dose anyone know a way to entice them into reproducing.


I would place a piece of rock right beside the polysa and let it spread through it. Then you can separate the colony without much trauma like you are planning to do.


i'll tell you what i do with my polyps... i do place them right next to other rocks, and let them try to reach over to the next rock, and pull the purple base that hangs off the rock. then i stick it somewhere else and polyps pop out after a while. make sure the polyps are all closed up when you pull a piece off, to minimize the shock. mine grow quite rapidly after being fragged off. if your rock is already crowded with them, you should have no probs getting them to try to spread onto other rocks. once it tries to stretch over, you got a nice piece to frag right there. hth.


Active Member
To frag the mushrooms all you have to do is cut the top off from the base and place the top on another rock and it will attach itself. A new mushroom will grow from the cut stalk.