frags for sale need to make room


Check the email addr you posted... i think it is not may be why you are not getting the payments.


How much to ship prioity to 32506 for: 1) Idaho grape 5 dollars a plug. Plugs are completely enveloped by the Monti and fussed nicely,Cinnamon paly 1with two polyps for 7.00 ,10 polyp of long lash green eye lady 10 dollars?


Active Member
sorry!! i thought he wasn't going to send my coral because he hadn't PMed me in days.

SO SHARKBAIT9 IS NOT A SCAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralreefer
sorry!! i thought he wasn't going to send my coral because he hadn't PMed me in days.

SO SHARKBAIT9 IS NOT A SCAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow did you panic and jump the gun a little bit on this? lol


Active Member
unfortunatly I cant PM yet... ahvent been here a month and the site doesnt trust me... lol if you need a few sites that can vouch for me I will giv eyou the names


Active Member
I just need to wait a couple days only because my tank is only 4 days old... do you think its too soon?? I used RO water (like 4 gallons) and water from a friends tank that has been set up for over a year. probably too soon.....? I dont wanna get something to then have it die a day later. PH is steady at 8.2