Frags for trade in central NJ


New Member
Have some frags for trade:
A bunch of Kenyan Tree Coral, most about 2", and some green and hairy mushrooms (some in the picture), generally single polyps:

A huge mat of something I can't identify (pictured below behind the square anthias) that I am willing to break into more manageable-sized pieces (it grows like a weed)

Looking for anything interesting.


The stuff behind the anthias is anthelia. Kinda resembles xenia. Watch this stuff, because it grows just like xenia and can take over your tank. I had it happen. Its nice looking stuff, but can get out of control. Nice fish by the way :)


New Member
Thank you so much for the ident! It *does* grow like crazy; I keep trading pieces away. I've got a patch of it growing between some cabbage leather and a giant ricordia mushroom that seems to be contained by the corals around it, but when left with space to spread . . .
And yes, the square anthias is gorgeous. A bit shy, though--my yellow tang pushes it around even though it's nearly twice the tang's size.