
i clean and clean and clean
and what happens it come back
thier is green algea all over my tank it wont go away is thier any way to get rid of it
pleaze answer


New Member
Hey Cow, I don't have an answer but a question for you... did you ever have a problem with brown algae? If so how did you cure it? I am having a problem with the brown and now the green is showing up also. I have a post about 4 below yours and I've only had 2 replies so far but they were helpful. I sat here for over and hour waiting. You may want to read them maybe they will help you with your problem... don't really know. I'm still very new to this.


i forgot what is was called but it was two pads that you put into your filter where aver there is water and i just cleaned the algea off the glass and it never came back sorry i can't remember what it was called


Active Member
First - How old is your tank ?
What are you using for substrate ?
Describe the algae - what does it look like or resemble ???
Algae is a plant.
Plants need several things to grow and flourish, especially algae in saltwater tanks
Light of the right spectrum.
and most importantant in our saltwater tanks
Light - are your bulbs old - what lighting do you have ?
Water - what is your freshwater source ? Tap ?
Have you tested your tank water for nitrates and phosphates ?
If yes - what are the readings ?
If no - get some good test kits and use them and post the results.
What and now often do you feed your fish ?
Inverts ?
How much circulation do you have - any dead spots you notice more algae growth - or is mostly the green on the glass ?
I've battled algae before - many here have.
Ain't no fun at all - I know what you are going through.
Just see if you can give some more details and you WILL get help here.


ok i have two types of algea i think one is just green looking and is realy hard to get off the other is white kinda like a spirder web easy to get off i have two 15watt actanic and 110 watt regular i use tap water i feed them every other day 402 power head emperor 400 biowheel give of good cirrculation,nitrats are at 0.0 ppm ph is at 8.0


Active Member
Well I don't want to repeat myself - but I would suggest testing for phosphates and see what you get.
Test your tank water and test your tap water.
This may be the cause of your green algae growth.
You might want to bump your pH up to around 8.2 or 8.3 with some marine buffer.
Not sure what the white stuff is - sounds a little funky.


i have purple alage down on my sand bed??? it looks like a purple spill is this coral line alage or not????