Freaky Weird Things


I saw some snails that I didn't recognize on some palys today and plucked them off because I didn't know if they were good or not. While I was at it I went to move a rock that had some webby stuff (it's some sort of harmless worm or snail that produces it right?) coming off of it that seemed to be bothering the palys also. Well when I moved the rock I found a couple of weird freaky things.
Just want to double check these first two.


Shell looking thing...

Here's the weird freaky thing. The only things I can come up with is Vermetid Snails or a Petaloconchus spp. (Caribbean Worm Snail)


Anybody have any ideas on the first snail? I still don't trust the little buggers. I found two attached two different polyps.


Active Member
That is indeed a sundial. They are not all black and white. Sundial snail is just a common name and includes many species under Achitectonicidae. That one looks like a mix of the two I have... the perspectiva and the Heliacus spp (which is the more commonly seen black and white one).
Would you consider mailing him to me if I paid for shipping? That is if you were going to dispose of him..... I would take any that you had. Dead or alive.


Active Member
Hee Hee, Renee I don't know what you missed out on in you early childhood but........................ sure are into the weird and off beat!!


Active Member
It's so I can take pictures and help the internet people ID their critters.... to feed the children of the world... and to find world peace.
Naw, you were right the first time... I'm a freak :) But a very stable freak so don't be afraid to send me things :)


Can they survive in a tank w/o coral? If so I might put them in one of my other tanks. If not tell me how you want them shipped and I might be able to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
It's so I can take pictures and help the internet people ID their critters.... to feed the children of the world... and to find world peace.
Naw, you were right the first time... I'm a freak :) But a very stable freak so don't be afraid to send me things :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by BBB
Can they survive in a tank w/o coral? If so I might put them in one of my other tanks. If not tell me how you want them shipped and I might be able to.
You would have to feed them zoas and palys. If you have local reefers someone always has an ugly rock they would trade/give ya.
For shipping, all they would require was wet paper towl and a baggy. I swear I would make it easy as possible.
LOL Spanko... I needed the chuckle. Work is gonna BITE tonight.... might as well walk into hell with a smail.


I don't care to keep them that bad. If you want I can wait a week or two to see if I spot anymore and then ship them to you. When ever you're ready just send me a pm.


Active Member
Does that mean you want the 11 year old? I kindda need to get rid of him.... his appetite is picking up and he's eating me out of house and home.
I really appreciate it.....