FREE 280 Gallon reef... livestock and all


Here is my situation...
a freind is moving and rather than selling it wants to giv it to me. He lives about a mile and a half away . I go to my lfs knowing that I cant do it alone...i think and of course they try to scam me. now this free tank is gonna cost me 1100$ to move. Im 16 and dont have that kinda cash. My parents are pretty poor aswell right now. they say I cant get it unless I am completely financially responsible. my q is if any of yall have any experience moving an aquarium like that...keep in mind it is about 20 years old and made of all glass.... in other words it is a bear to move. any sudgestions or sympathy is appreciated.


Active Member
$1100 for a mile and a half?? That is insane. Just walk to his place...and both of you walk the tank to your place. The tank would weigh close to 250-300 pounds i would guess...get a couple friends to help? OR, buy two of those red wagons that everyone had as a kid. put two pieces of 2x4 accross the tank on the 2x4 between the two wagons. one of you get behind, one in front, and slowly push it to your house. Of course you would have to drain the tank to do this :) For any other equipmant involved, make as many trips as you need to. For the sake of saving $1100 I would walk 10 miles to get that size tank for free.


sure wished i lived nearby.. i don't really understand what you are asking though? who said 1100 to move it?


One way i can think of is spending about $100 on buckets and tubs Take the water out of the aquarium and place into various buckets and tubs. Place your live rock and corals in the buckets with the water. Once you have done this drain the remaining water and move the tank while empty. Your livestock will be fine for an hour in the buckets just don't overcrowd 'em. I've gone without power on my setup for over 2 hours with no ill effects so I think an hour in the buckets should be plenty safe. Once the tank is set at your house start adding the livestock back to it. Another alternative would be to spend about $100 on a 10 gallon tank, a pump, and a big rubbermaid trash can. Place your live rock in the trash can and use the filter media from your friends tank in the 10 gallon. Set this up as a trickle filter with a gravity overflow and a return pump. This way you aren't pressed for time. It will take the better part of a day to do this but will be well worth saving $1100 ;-) Get some friends to help and make a party out of it. The previous owner of the tank could supervise and guide your 'crew'. Your LFS is trying to take advantage of a young person, not very admirable and if I were you I wouldn't do business with them again, in fact have your parents report him to the Better Business Bureau.


Active Member
holy cow!!!
i am in the wrong business, i wish i could get 1100 to move something like that, and i eveen bet tehy take no responsibility and guarentee the safe arrival of all the inhabitants either
just do as mentioned, if you have a couple of days to prep, it can be done without much risk at all,
just get UNUSED NONmetal containers and take your time planning it all
good luck :D


i dont think i can do it
its an old tank that might fall apart well atleast the stand and lifting it is not gonna be easy


you could always break the tank down, keep what you want, and reseal the glass yourself (cheap and easy, but requires a little time), if you have the livestock in containers and just a powerhead for circulation, you would be fine for a couple days. i wouldn't pass on that deal if it were me. but i understand you have limitations. maybe you could get a friend interested in it, and get him to help you, and maybe at least get some live rock out the deal, or some corals? just a thought, i sure wished i lived nearby like i said. =(


How much livestock does he have in it?Is it full of animals or could you stick them in a smaller tank?If he doesn't have that many inverts and fish they might fit in a smaller tank.Buy a smaller tank switch the filters he has over to the new tank,some of the rocks and some of the sand.


Where do you live? I'm sure if you wanted to keep the tank running some of us on this board could help you with a temp loan of bins or a tank or 2 to hold livestock. I have plenty of plastic bins that can hold 15-18 gal water with ease and a free supply of RO water (heheh work) I'd even grab my dads truck and help you move the tank the mile and 1/2 to wherever you set it up.
Rhode Island


you're getting ripped off. I like the whole wagon thing. It would work and a mile and a half isn't too far when you think about it.


owning/operating a large tank is costly itself...why is your firnd not wanting to sell it...did he already try to do so...otherwise I'd say see if you could sel if you have enough time & purchase new smaller tank for your self...or you could try as suggested and spend some $$$ on trash cans or rubbermiad containers to hold live stock & water...mixing your own water all over again would add to the cost...and if you think you had plan set for moving it


Moving the tank will not be that hard, you have been given some good avice here on how to do it. The key is to take your time and do it right.
However, have you considered whether you will be able to afford to maintain the tank once it is setup? This is not an inexpensive hobby with all of the salt, chemicals, electricy, etc. You can spend a lot of money just keeping a 280 running.


Another slightly more expensive but less labor intensive approach would be to rent a U-Haul motorcycle trailor for $14.95 and if you don't know someone with a trailor hitch on their vehicle U-Haul will rent you that for a few more bucks. Call me lazy but I don't think I could carry a 300 lb. tank a mile or more even with a few friends helping (and they probably wouldn't be your friends for long after that task). The wagon idea could work but those things aren't meant for that kind of weight and if it tipped over you would be screwed.


The deal is that I am not to spendtoo much moving it but my parents will pay for most maintenance. I live in tucson arizona ( across the country ) now i do already have a 48 gallon reef with 3 fish in it. He has about 12 including a purple tang and a bluespot jawfish. I cant put all of those fish into my tank I dont think but you all are convincing me that I should find a way to do it myself. now something I failed to mention is that part of that 1100$ was repair he says I need a new sump and to rebuild the pump and to fix the overflow. The other nice thing is that I know these guys well enough that I dont have to come up with money up front they will have me work it off... but for only 4.00$ an hour. I dont realistically have the time or the energy to work 300 hours straight. btw thank you for all the advice this is helping alot.


Staff member
How much money do you have to spend for the move? Do you have a local community Aquarium that might be willing to lend their expertise, some holding containers and perhaps their pickup truck?? If not a community Aqurium, what about a science or marine science school at the local college or even the high school you go to? I would think that if you approached your science teachers at your own school with this, they could provide you with some assistance. What is your friend going to do to help out? He's the one that wants to unload the tank, so I'm assuming that he plans to contribute to this process. I'm sure he wants to find it a good home, since he has had it this long. You really need to think in term of pulling resources here rather then in spending money or attempting this on your own. Other people and whatever free supplies/transportation you can get from your friends, school, etc.
Just because the tank is old, doesn't mean that it is ready to fall apart. They made tanks better then then they do now.


Hey opazen,
I live in Gilbert, AZ it kinda of far from Tuscon but it is worth the drive to help a fellow reefer. I have a toyota truck and we could just drive it over. Just go invest in some rubbermaid 30 gal containers and maybe a rubbermaid trashcan. It will be a pain but it is worth it for that kind of a tank...


lurch that would be so great I will have plenty of extra livestock and such if you want it too. I have to get going pretty soon though so idd like to keep in touch with you... do you have an email or aol screen name I can reach you at?


im moving this week i think or at least in the next 7 days. there is all sorts of fish like marine betta, blennies, tomato clown, yellow and purple tang, damsel, and some others i dont remember. As for corals there is alot of lettus leaf, a toadstool leather about 2 ft diameter!, some devils hand, acropora, brain, polyps and mushrooms. Ive also got stuff in my tank im willing to trade and then of course live rock.


OK let me know when you want me to come up there... either this sunday or saturday or sunday of next weekend...
Drop me a email...