FREE 280 Gallon reef... livestock and all



The uhaul is how I moved my 200gal. I rented it for cheap, or you can borrow someone's pickup. It will take at least 4 big guys to lift it into/out of the trailer and onto it's stand. I used a furniture dolley to move it from the truck to the house.
That setup weighs over a ton (w/water). If anything did not have structural integrity, the whole thing would collapse. Those glass tanks are very tough, and you aren't giving it enough credit for the stress it endures on a daily basis already.
You can use a kiddie pool from Walmart to keep your livestock in for the mean time.


opazen - You could reduce some of your upfront cost by using your existing 48 gal. as a sump for the new tank. Just a thought.


I want to thank you all for responding and i want to ask of you all another question. can anyone give me a thorough list in the order that the events have to take place. What Im looking for is a checklist for thi insurance of my father and the owner. I need to know what comes first to last in a easy to follow list. Im lookin for a manual type thing. Any responses are greatly appreciated


1. Thoroughly clean the area in your home you intend on placing the aquarium.
2. Sounds like a lot of livestock you will be moving so i like the idea of using the kiddie pool. Purchase a moderate sized one and fill 1/2 with newly mixed saltwater, make sure you use distilled water, and i like Instant Ocean,for the new saltwater. Plan on filling the remaining half with water from the tank and placing all the rock and livestock. If you do this in a day i don't think you have to worry about circulation or filtration. Just place the pool in a cool dark spot to lower stress and evaporation. Also have a rubbermaid trash can set up for the taller corals like the toadstool leather you mentioned.
3. Using buckets take out the LR and Livestock and transport to the pool.
4. Use one or two of the buckets to hold the sand from the tank, just make sure it's moist.
5. Get your buddies to help move the tank with a truck or U-haul. A flat bed trailer would work great if you know someone who has one. Make sure two or three guys ride in the trailer with the tank. And take your time.
6. Place the tank in its new home. Make sure this is a level surface and has ready access to more than one power outlet.
7. Add the moist sand to the tank bottom
8. position your power heads and equipment before you start adding the LR back in.
9. Add the LR and water from the pool.
10. Add the Corals to the LR
11. Add the Livestock last
12. Buy your friends a coke and invite them for dinner, sit around and admire the days work for desert!
13. Put up all the materials you used to move the tank in order to keep the parents happy :p


Thank you so much that is exactly what I was looking for. I think ill do it this sunday. Ill post when Im done and maybe have some pictures
thanks again
adam stewart