Free 29 Gal. Setup in Sacramento


I'm giving away my 29 gal setup in Sacramento, CA. I am moving and cannot take it with me. It includes around 35 lbs. of LR, 45 lbs of sand, a toadstool leather, a green mushroom, 2 clownfish, a peppermint shrimp, a cleaner shrimp, various snails and crabs, a bak pak 2r, a couple powerheads and 130 watts of PC lighting. Must be picked up.


Ok, heres the deal.. i want it..I will drive their when I get my liscence and pick it up witch will be bout 5 just leave it in someone's house and i will pick it up from them...Lol....I really would like some of your supplies though..if your just giving them away..seriously becausese I just bought a 29 g and im bout to get some fish...and stuff..can we work out something please???? I AM REALLY INTERESTED in getting some of your livestock accesories..etc.


Please..dont get rid of it ..yet, let me work something out with you so I can take whatever you want to get rid off that you can ship....Please, I am really serious in getting some of you Livestock, Supplies, Clean Up Crew, Lights, Chemicals, Live Rock, And anything that you can ship..I will even pay for some of it...I am really interested so If you can let me email you or you can email me at or just post here...please and thanks in Advance, and I hope we can work something out!!!!!!


Active Member
Just talked to Broncofish as he is having computer troubles and he wants me to post that he wants this tank and he will come and get it! He lives a short drive from Sacremento and is extremely interested!
Post out here how you want to be contacted!


Hey over...can we do will Bronco fish let me have some of the stuff..The reason is because i am only 15yrs old and I dont really have the cash to go and buy all of this stuff.. and I though since im ready to get fish into my tank, which is a 29g... and is fully cycled.. can we do something..I have a nice setup and I would like some of the corals and such...? Please?


Active Member
He shrimp if putster let's me have it, after you paid for shipping it would just be cheaper to buy the stuff localy. Sorry.
Overanalyzer-thanks for hopping on there for me
Putster- Let me know I can pick the stuff up as soon as tomorrow. Let me know, thanks.


Shrimp, I don't have bags or heatpacks or styrofoam containers to ship the livestock. Also, it would cost way too much to ship since I don't have a business account.


Will you ship anything? Please? D o you have ne test kits ...i will take your lights...heaters? ne thing at all that is not alive....please?:help: :help:


I talked to my cousin in Sacramento and he said he will come pick up everything if you still have it. Let me know and i'll give him a call. Thanks.


Oh yea...also im working on setting up an 80 gal so I will have a pretty large home to move all those fish into ....if that sways you...I currently have a 29 gal myself


The tank is going to a new home Saturday. If for some reason that falls through, I will let the next person in line know.