Free Achilles Tang Michigan Only

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by Xtremenemo
And I use to use a glass hydrometer until I stepped on it. So i dont want to go and break another one.

OMG and you want to keep a Achilles tang???



Originally posted by tony detroit
OMG and you want to keep a Achilles tang???

what the hell does that mean. I stepped on a glass hydrometer and I want a refractometer. wtf


girls,girls settle down lets not get bent outta shape here do you think it will survive in a 135 with a 13" lion and a 30" eel? if so i"ll take it.

tony detroit

Active Member
OK, first of all he stated the fish needs to be QT'd, by itself would be best.
Second of all this isn' t a betta fish. It is an achilles tang. They are not easy to keep.
Third, you'll have a lot better luck with hypo than running copper.
Fourth, your tank is small IMO and is already stocked.
Fifth, I see your threads in the disease forum and here you are trying to take on a very hard to keep fish.



Originally posted by tony detroit
Damn, wish I had another tank set up. I have six tangs in my 180 right now.

Quit bashing Tony, nobody here has the hobby mastered. And I am sure you as well as myself have had our share of problems and posts in the disease forums as well. There are alot of people that could have bashed you just as easily for having six tangs in a 180. I am not saying not to try to help or teach someone, just try doing it in a different way.


I have about 25 yrs of marine fish keeping under my belt and currently have an Achilles tang I've had for about 6 yrs. they are very delicate fish and require a pristine setup to survive much less thrive. they are one of the few tangs that are true 'cruisers', meaning they swim constantly day and night, they don't stop...well except to pick at the nori sheets.
the reason that most people have difficulty with them is the lack of quality water in the tank and not having enough open space for their swimming. if they bump into your rockwork they get very easily scratched and with less then acceptable water quality this can lead to infection.
'knock on wood' I have never had an ich outbreak in any of my tanks. I strive to keep water quality at the very best it can be. I also keep stress to a bare minimum on the fish.
I'd like to offer a bit of advice on treatment to your fish if I may.
first as already mentioned copper is not a good choice with the Achilles, their very thin skin allows the copper to penetrate into their body and their recirculotory system which is toxic to them in moderate doses.
hypo-salinity is very stressful on them. most fish have a thick skin and have to expel salt via their skin and this requires energy to do so the lower salinity preserves energy, but in the Achilles (as well as the powder blue) it causes them more stress for some reason.
your best bet it so go no lower then 1.020 and feed him a varied diet that has been soaked in a garlic extract. the garlic helps build his immunity system and fight off the ich as well as the secondary infection.
while in QT feeding him the garlic soaked food should be done at least 4 or more times a day in smaller portions as opposed to larger ones less frequent.
keeping lighting lower helps reduce stress as well.
I hope you find this post helpful.


thanks, was just trying to help out. i'v gotten about burnt out on reefcentral and found this board via an email from and figured i'd lend a hand.


Well I will have to agree with you about the a Achilles tang info. And I would like to point out that I do not know much about this tang as I thought. however, some people think that they have it all figured out and bash others. IMO everyone should let everyone do what they want. ITS THEIR MONEY>

PS. did anyone ever get that tang.


been following the post has anyone got the fish? or has the fish been taken care of? or has it passed? hope he has made it. hate how everyone bashes each other on the boards (all the boards) make me not want to read them any more.



Originally posted by Xtremenemo
Well I will have to agree with you about the a Achilles tang info. And I would like to point out that I do not know much about this tang as I thought. however, some people think that they have it all figured out and bash others. IMO everyone should let everyone do what they want. ITS THEIR MONEY>

i agree compleatly that its their $$$ and they are going to do what ever they want no matter what you say............i still try to just offere the advice that i have gained over the years and hope they can use my mistakes (the same ones they are making now) to save a fish/coral/etc.
i'm guilty of getting into a few pi$$ing contests from time to time, but i try to keep it down to helpful suggestions and then leave it at that.
while the tang police (and recently the trigger police) really enrage me with their comments from time to time, i try to overlook it with the outlook that 'ignorance is bliss' meaning if you dont know any better your happy with doing whatever your doing.
the people who bash the hardest if truth be known did the exact same thing they are bashing someone for in the first place. i myself see no reason to do that, i did those thing and learned the hard way, i offere IMO's and IME's and then try to leave it at that.
when someone asks an honest question over on -- and they start to get bashed/flamed rather then getting into the middle of it all i'll take it to a PM and give the person asking the original question my honest oppinion of what 'IME Will Work' and let them then decide if they want to belive it and try it or not.
as the old saying goes, you'll catch more flys with honey then with vinager. :)

tony detroit

Active Member
I was not trying to bash, just trying to get a point across.
Trying to prevent a fish from dying a slow dreary death. I realize it is your money, however achilles tangs are on the par with seahorses, you shouldn't touch them unless you really know what you're doing. I am not a master by any means and consider myself a newbie. However I have killed an achilles tang myself and know that they take considerable work and IMO should not even be in the pet store unless they are a special order.
Xtremenemo sorry I wasn't trying to ruin your day, I was basically making a point that you shouldn't have this fish.


New Member
I'm in ann arbor and i'd pay you to take that tang. I've been looking out for one at a cheap price. Let me know.