free advice needed!!!!

HI this is my first posting and as my name implies....well ya get the point....but i need a house first to put it doing background research now....but i would like to know if you all have one sentence of advice to give me what would it be???:D


You are already doing my first piece of advice - research! Other than that, I would start with at least a 75 gal. (save your pennies for a while if you have to). I have a 55 gal. and am finding that I'm limited on the type/size of fish that I can keep (I would love a Tang) Welcome to a fun, rewarding and addicting hobby!
thanks everyone....i was thinkin of a 100 gallon...because i figure that if i get a 55 or 75 then i would just waste money because i am already addicted


LOL :D Glad I'm not the only one that needs marine"iacs" anonymous! You'll love your 100gal. - have fun researching and getting set-up (esp. with your house first!) Keep us updated!


Like they said, take it slow and research. I currently have a 75G that when I retire from the military and finally buy a house I want to build in a fake wall with picture window. Lots of room to work from behind without any of the eye sore that people don't like to see. Can't wait myself and am thinking of using the 75 as a sump once I get to that point.
Best of luck to you on both the house and the aquarium.


noaquariumyet - Welcome to the board :D
Until you get ready, stick around, read learn, ask some questions. Go to the LFS and look at thier tanks and dream, but do not make any impulse purchase until you come back and check it out on the board for advice. Before you buy anything try to research it first whether it be equipment or livestock.


I second what Thomas712 says. You would be better off to check with this crowd before any tank purchase. It teaches you patience up front, which will save your tank and your money.
My independant piece of advice. Dont make decisions based solely on aesthetics.
I custom designed everything on my 125, including the tank itself. It originally came straight out of the wall, so you you could walk around both sides of the tank. To make this look better, I had the overflow box placed on one end of the tank. I learned the hard way that it takes a lot of creativity to get current to travel down 6 feet of tank. It works great now, but I could have saved myself a lot of time and energy by running it by this crowd first.
There are some brilliant folks on here. And their advice is FREE!!!!


go buy the consciencous marine aquariast book.
also, get as big a tank as you can fit in your place. I have a 90 and wish that I could have a bigger. I would recommend getting the reef ready tank (ie corner built in overflow) and get the durso standpipe with that to prevent loud sounding water flow.
make sure you know what you want to have for fish/corals. if you want certain corals it's advised to have metal halide(MH) lighting (supplemented with VHO or PC) - if you go MH for lighting, you need about 10-12" tall canopy.
there are going to be many many choices in every aspect of this hobby and many differing opinions. take it slow. read as much as you can on this board. do searches. then make up your own mind on what you want.