Free banded shark to Good home; clearwater,Fl


New Member
I have a brown banded catshark that is outgrowing his 180 gal tank. He has never had any problems with eating (silverside, krill , mysis) or diseases of any kind. I run uv/protein/ozone/phosban/refuge with water changes the water is always nitrate free. He is only 18-24in long; but should be in at least 220-240, the bigger the better. I would love to see him in a shark pond. I wouldn’t recommend getting a shark unless you plan to build a pond for it, or have a “big” tank. In school for my masters and I still learn things the hard way. I have no way to house him for the rest of his life, after working so hard it’s sad.



New Member
it is just normal red macro algae. (Gracilaria pacifica). Normally fresh sea veggies for herbivores/ invertebrates. works great in refugia, but it does crash like most macro. I have different red (4-5 red) macro in their, Acrohaetium, ect… so I am not sure what your looking at.


New Member
If you are still getting rid of it/havent sold it i would love to have him. I have a 1,100 tank with 1 bamboo in it he is lonely and i would love to get him a friend please send me a email at i will pay for any shipping or money u want to sell him for.