Free Blue Devil Damsel in CT/Lower MA Area


Anyone looking for a 3+ year old perfectly healthy 4" Blue Devil Damsel. He's a very pretty Damsel and absolutely in perfect health. He will only work in a FO or Aggressive Tank. He is nipping at my corals and thats why he needs to go.
If you are interested, please post here. The fish is free as long as you have an established Tank 29 gallons or larger.


I have a 75 gal how much would it be to ship to zip 15001 in Pa.


Hey, i'm sov82's girlfriend. The damsel is actually in my 45 right now, Here's a picture so you know what he looks like. He's been a great fish, I really loved him and I'm really sad to see him go, but for me it's not worth the injury to my corals. :nope:
Anyway, this is him. He's got great color and is very active so a really good feature in a tank....he also LOVES to eat. He's a fatty for sure!