Free clean-up crew


Hi members. After 3 years of enjoying my 75 gal crashed while I was on vacation. All my fish died but the clean up crew lives on!! I have decided to take down my tank since we are going to do some remodeling of our house. If anyone who lives in the Los Angeles area, willing to drive into Wilshire & La Brea (just south of Hollywood) I would be happy to give you the survivors!!!! I have 3 Urchins, ! chocolate chip star, 1 pistol shrimp (about 2 inches), 1 Coral banded shrimp, several Astra snails and a handful of hermit crabs, and black...oh yea.... and a serpant star, too. Reply to this message and we'll get in touch.......Terry


ARMOREEFER.......Yes, and Glendale is close. I'm at Highland and Wilshire area in LA. just down from the Hollywood me at (323) name is Terry
and Thanks unleashed......I was pretty bummed out!!!
After we remodel, carpet etc.... I'll go back to another, but right now have to find a home for the survivors!!


New Member
GREAT! Sounds good Terry, I will call you later this if I could just cancel my reef package from hahahah


Sorry for your loss. I would be the first to take everything but the cc star if i lived on the west cost. I am also glad your not giving up the hobby and are taking full advantage of a bad situation. Peace


Active Member
Its tough to maintain things while on vacation. I clean the tank two days prior to leaving. Then I put food on automatic timers and watch them for a day or so to be sure they are working properly. And then I train a neighbor to come by once a day and fill the sump to a predrawn line with pre mixed up r/o water to correct for evaporation. Once however, the neighbor did not get that he was not supposed to feed the fish, and he fed them tons on top of what the automatic feeders fed. When I returned the entire bottom of a 200 gall tank was covered with decaying flake food!!!! But somehow everyone survived!!! Its such a bummer losing all your fish...I feel your pain!!! so sorry.


New Member
Ok sounds good, I just got my "in the mix" reef package for my 55g tank. Im actually thinking it might be too many inverts..but I will give you a call and figure things out. thanks again.