Free Colt Frags


If you would like to come to the second NY/NJ reef club get-together, please email me at
The meeting is this Thursday at my home just North of Riverdale (Bronx, NY). My place is easy to get to via public transportation, and is a mere 12 minutes or so from the GWBridge.
We'll be meeting from 6:30 to around 8 or 8:30, or whenever you feel like leaving. I'll be serving dinner.
And we'll be fragging my colt, so if you want a piece, come with a container and a small piece of LR to attach it to!
I can also give away caulerpa to anyone who wants some!
(Need live sand with some pods in it? You can have some of that, too!)
Reply to this thread, but please do email me so I can email you directions to my home!
See you Thursday!

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like a great meeting...I home ya'all have a great time. The Lubbock area club will be having a meeting soon that I hope to attend.


Active Member
hmm thought arose, if i take the sailfin, how do i go about brining him home, should i bring a large... container? or a bag or somthin'?


Active Member

Originally posted by daisy
Jim -- you bringing your friend or your dad with you? Both? The more, the merrier!

both it's gonna be fun!


Glad to have the three of you.
As far as the sailfin goes, I don't have a bag, and anyway, she has blades in her tail, so what good is a bag? Do you have a small bucket or a very large tupperware or something? What about a bucket that you usually use for water changes? I can send her home with you in a gallon or so of water no problem.
You taking the clown, too? (for your sister's tank, right?)
And some shrimp if we can catch them? At this size, four is just too many.
BTW, I've got other frags that I can give away as well!


Active Member
the clown, she asked if she could keep anything else in there with it, i said i think it might attack them, so she's kind of scared to take it now, as for shrimp, i'll take those :)
and i'll bring a 5 gal bucket for the sailfin.
and could you send me some directions


Active Member

Originally posted by daisy
If you would like to come to the second NY/NJ reef club get-together

Dern! No one does this stuff in Ohio


Darn I can't make it either.
Monday's and Thursday's are kind of bad for me right now. Will have Monday's free in June.


Maybe we should try this on another night soon. I would really like to include more people!
How about this -- tomorrow is a grand fish exchange (or give-away). Just Jim and his crew.
Next week on a Monday or a Wednesday for the fragging party?
What say you? (Chad -- I need your help. I'm afriad to cut the colt. I'm relying on you, buddy! -- I'll even get a new knife!)


where in S. Jersey? Is it too far for free coral? And food? Not to mention scintillating company!