Free in Tampa


highly interested in the starfish! I'm going to my parents house this weekend in New Port Richey. Is your offer still up for grabs? Can you post a pic and some info on your star?


can you give me alittle info on the seastar? how long have you had it, how big is it, how do you care for it, ect? also do you have a pic?


Originally Posted by fgcu14
can you give me alittle info on the seastar? how long have you had it, how big is it, how do you care for it, ect? also do you have a pic?

I have had the starfish about a year and he is about the size of...maybe a baseball. He eats the algae off live rock, silverfish or any meaty stuff. I have a lot of corals now and he is not reef friendy. I'll try to get a pic for you.


Originally Posted by fish-man-t
still got the eel? im looking for another sf emeail me plz
Hi Fish-man, The eel is still available but only for local pickup. I wouldn't know where to begin with shipping something like this. (sorry) I appreciate your interest though.


Originally Posted by aprilmike2
Hi Sam....Just droping by and saying Hi and hope all is well with all those corals!!!! :)

Hey Mike! So far so good with the corals (thanks!) I need to get rid of my eel and starfish fast though. MiniReef said they'd take them but I just don't have the heart to do that to them. You are welcome to stop by anytime and take a look at the corals if you want. You have my number still?


Originally Posted by aprilmike2
Post on you know where!!!LOL ya will get rid of em quick!!! Yeah ya posted it on this thread!!!

They won't let me post a new thread!!! Haven't been a member long enough or posted 50 posts yet!!!


Thats weird. Ill start a post in the tampabay bay reef club forum. is that ok with you??? and than ya can post on that thread...check to see if you need to verify your e mail address, sometime youll get a e mail that you need to respond to...just athought!!:) let meknow than ill post it up there...


Originally Posted by aprilmike2
Thats weird. Ill start a post in the tampabay bay reef club forum. is that ok with you??? and than ya can post on that thread...check to see if you need to verify your e mail address, sometime youll get a e mail that you need to respond to...just athought!!:) let meknow than ill post it up there...
Here is the message I get when I try to post a new thread :
This forum requires a minimum post count of 50 and that you've been a member for at least 90 days before you can start a new thread.
I just joined them when I found you here and you had that link for your tank etc for sale.
Where are you going to post?


Active Member
If you are in a hurry you could probably take them to Marine Warehouse off of Hillsborough Ave. I'm sure they'd give you credit for them. The LFS I frequent in Clearwater does all the time.


Hey Sam, right now the site is undergoing maintaince, once its back up im going to post it in the Tampa Bay Reef Club forum. Ill send you a link to it once I get it on there :)