Free Live Rock To Anyone Who Wants It


Active Member
I've got an idea - Re-cycle your rock - take it out, place it on a plastic tarp and hose it off - he'll climb out in a hurry. Of course you will have some die off and you will have to re0cure (place the rock in a salt water plastic trash can with a heater, power heads and a protien skimmer and let it recycle before sending it back to your tank. You probably only need to take out the piece of rock the shrimp is in.


Good luck, Jeff, and you have a beautiful tank! I would hate to see all that nice liverock go jus' to get rid of a pesky shrimp! :)


Thanks..for everyone who has helped me with this. You don't realize how much this has helped me with everything. I was so upset and just didn't want to deal with this anymore. OK let me go so I can go to the store and get some new corals :D