Free Live Rock


Active Member
lol and the debate begins :) that's what is so awesome about this board--everyone has their own experiences and love to share them!


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
Actuallly the Acro Eating FlatWorms eats Acros and the other eat pods. Not sure what high nutrients has to do with it.
you can get rid of flatworms by increasing flow and decreasing nutrients. phytoplankton needs nutrients as well as light to reproduce. lower your nutrients, then your phyto dies off, the flatworms eat phyto so if theres no phyto left, the flatwroms die.
and flatworms dont like flow.


Active Member
Not a debate -- I lost a bunch of Acro - doubled dosed and had to treat twice nearly back to back. Knock on wood have seen any, but there is't much left to eat -


Active Member
i was just informing you that flatworm exit doesnt kill aefw, it may kill a few of them but will not kill all of them. thats why its better to use something like TMPCC or lugols dip.
interceptor is for the red bugs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
I would never knowingly put flatworms in my tank!!!!!
I believe I am done with this thread - back on topic


whoa, gone for an hour or so and look what happens. If I go the flatworm exit route, do you recommend sitiing it in a quaratine tank for a while? One problem is that one of the pieces won't fit into my 55? Is there a brand that you recommend? Is the treatment called flatworm exit? These are really nice show tank pieces of rock and I would love to have them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ctkecth
whoa, gone for an hour or so and look what happens. If I go the flatworm exit route, do you recommend sitiing it in a quaratine tank for a while? One problem is that one of the pieces won't fit into my 55? Is there a brand that you recommend? Is the treatment called flatworm exit? These are really nice show tank pieces of rock and I would love to have them.
For you I will respond, find out which type is on the rock
or this see post 8


New Member
You don't have to worry about flatworms and live rock until you actually have a running tank to put it in... get to work!