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kazaa ruined my computer with all of the viruses I downloaded. used to be awesome.
now I just buy cds.


Active Member
kazaa ruined my computer with all of the viruses I downloaded.
Im not trying to sound rude but when people say things like this....they can be prevented and i view it as their own fault. Dont ruin the reputation of the program with the fact that you did not have an antivirus program....or at least an up 2 date one.


Active Member
lime wire is ok.....
The only reason i reccomend kazaa is its very populus....lots of people on
If you go the kazaa route you need to find kazaa lite... It has all spyware and ad ware removed


Kazaa discriminate's against Mac. users just as weatherbug. They better get with the times or they will loose lots of users because lots of people are switching over to Mac.


Active Member
winmx "subbosidly" has less virus and spyware than kazaa, so i switched over just to be on the safe side. and yes i do have a current antivirus program also, but ya never know.
never tired lime wire


I have to tell you I had Kazza when I had windows but this limewire seems to be the best I really enjoy it. :jumping: