FREE Snowflake eel


I bought a SFE about a year and a half ago being told that they grow to be around a foot long, he's now nearly 2 feet, I have it in a 40 gal. which I know is not enough room, I would like to trade him for a puffer. But if you can properly take care of him I will give him to you. I do not want to ship him. (I dont know how) e-mail me at if you are interested.


I don't want a eel, but if you have something else you have to trade (especially corals, just got my lights so I'm gonna attempt it) I am expecting a hawaiian spotted puffer in about 2 wks when I reorder. I purchased one off the site, but it died while acclimating, so they owe me one on my next order, but i decided I dont want an aggressive tank. email me at I'm in Chester VA :sleepy:


New Member
why would you reply to a post about giving a free eel away, saying that you dont want an eel? Why dont you start your own thread about what you want to trade. lol . Anyways I want the eel but im in california and I dont know if you want to ship out here or not.


what?! :confused: I didn't post to your thread and reply..... you could have kept that comment to yourself. I have a puffer and we live in the same state. thats rare enough on here to justify.


Do you still have it? have any pics? Would consider him, but would need to talk to you about it...


I don't have him yet. I ordered it from and it died during acclimation, so I got a credit for the same fish for my next order which I'll be placing next week. I decided though, I'm not wanting an agressive tank, so I'd like to trade him when I recieve him for something else. I'd really like a host for my maroon clown since I just got my lights, but anything really would be considered. :O)