Free U-Build It Package to the 150th


Active Member
Wait a minute...I look at the post and it is at 138...then I try again, and I get database errors from the server. It comes up and there is over 160?!?!?!?! Aww come on!!!


thats because we overloaded the systems with posts, i think it jpeavy who got it if you count back nice job guys lot of fun hell of a time trying to post


That is part of the game. Its all about timing and luck. I cannot believe it. The last contest was on a weekday and in the middle of the night. The time before that I just flat out missed it. This time I swore I would pay attention. Damn job getting in the way of everything. Must find new job.


Yeah free stuff is nice so quit bitchin!! Kinda like throwing the football into the wind you must account for it or you won't ever win. You think Tiger complains to God right before he tees off at Augusta and a nasty gust of wind blows through? It's all part of the game.


:( I watch this for 2 hours slowly creeping up to 150. It hit 138 and wouldn't let me on the post. Server had brain failure. I think next time I'll save myself the trouble and just post my two times in the begining to boost the numbers up for the rest of you.
Good Luck next time!:p