Free Zebra Eel


Give me a month and ill take him off your hands. Im down in lil ol lumberton. Also on a side note what fish stores do you go to in fayettville?


Originally Posted by Jwill
Give me a month and ill take him off your hands. Im down in lil ol lumberton. Also on a side note what fish stores do you go to in fayettville?
I avoid fish stores here. The only 2 that rarely even have saltwater fish are The Aquarium and the dreaded Aqua Rama. Both are hole in the wall, stereotypical LFS's. High prices, dying fish, ignorant and beliggerant employees. When I want fish I buy them here or go to fish world in raleigh or aquamains in greensboro. That is only if I was planning a trip in that direction already.
If I've got Fatsum in a month, then of course you can have him.
I haven't met a single person near me that was in to saltwater fish, how old are you?


Originally Posted by Jwill
Durn i was about to ask you about him
Just got my friends 90g
Some guy my friend went to college with in pembroke took him. He's got a 180 fish only with mostly butterflies/tangs. I was glad he went to a stress free environment. As far as eels go, he is a sissy.
About that other thread concerning myrtle beach and the live silversides, I'd definitely like to know if you find some. Keep me posted on your 90, maybe I can check it out sometime. It would be nice to know another person in the area with a tank.


Alright i will. Its cool to know someone else around here has a tank. Im actully going to school at coastal carolina in conway to become a marine biologist so i hope to get a jump ahead of some of the other people on here. LOL. Ill def. let you know that if i find any silversides at that guys store.


Regarding the live silversides. The guy down here says he would also like to know if i find some where that sales live ones.
He has plenty of frozen ones though. Sorry.


Originally Posted by Jwill
Hey regarding fish world in our lovely capitol is it just me or did they guy it?
I don't understand. :thinking:
I like fish world. I also like aquamains in greensboro. Though I haven't been to either since last year.


reticulated hookjaw moray (Enchelycore lichenosa)
I have wanted one for a while now, but have never been able to find one for sale.