French Angel Died


I've had my french angel for over two years. He was very healthy seeming this morning. I started cleaning the tank, and as usual he would nip at my hands and arms in the tank. When I was moving one of the power heads I think he got nicked by one of the little crusty tube creatures that grow on anything plastic in the tank. I didn't see any evidence of a wound, but about 20 minutes later his breathing was labored and he started to lose orientation. He was dead within 45 minutes.
Everyone else is happy and healthy. I'm pretty bummed though.


Maybe he had a heartattack? I had this happen once with a very large Sailfin Tang, he was fine and beautiful then I was doing some maint. in the tank and knocked over a few rocks that I think might had brushed against him and he just kinda swam to the other corner and died about 5 mintues later.:thinking: