Fresh Garlic vs Garlic Extreme


Active Member
I just slice a 1/4 garlic clove, add to food in same cup{I always use the same cup & only rinse w/ hot water, never soap} I let it soak for 20 min, remove garlic, feed food. I don't do this every time, as some of my food goes to my corals. Or, I use 1 drop of garlic extreme. I rotate this with Kent Zoe{vitamins} & Selcon{HUFAS, amino acids}. My fish are brightly colored & active.


Originally Posted by promisetbg
Tangs should be fed algae based food, they are herbivores.
To make homemade food:
From the grocer~ whatever is fresh, blood free, oil free...such as
clams,scallop, squid, shrimp, some nice white fish.
From the LFS~ cyclop-eeze
sweetwater zooplankton
Any Ocean Nutrition formula
Piscine mysis shrimp
garlic xtreme {or fresh garlic}
Liquid life zoo & bio-plankton
Golden pearls~ all different sizes if available in your area
Process in food processor or blender, put into freezer ziplocs, push down & lay flat in freezer. The more ingredients the better.
How "processed" do you get the food? Is it almost liquid or still chunky?


Active Member
Chunky so you can break it off in small chunks. You can add a bit of RO/Di if you need to loosen it up, or tank water when you feed. I would not add tank water to the mix.


all i do is, get some garlic that is smashed up, and add some brine shrimp, i put all of this into one small container, then and some water to make it thick, then i break off little chuncks and add it into my tank
the fish love it.


Originally Posted by promisetbg
Tangs should be fed algae based food, they are herbivores.
To make homemade food:
From the grocer~ whatever is fresh, blood free, oil free...such as
clams,scallop, squid, shrimp, some nice white fish.
From the LFS~ cyclop-eeze
sweetwater zooplankton
Any Ocean Nutrition formula
Piscine mysis shrimp
garlic xtreme {or fresh garlic}
Liquid life zoo & bio-plankton
Golden pearls~ all different sizes if available in your area
Process in food processor or blender, put into freezer ziplocs, push down & lay flat in freezer. The more ingredients the better.
My tang does get purple and green algae sheets, different plants from a LFS, and formula 2 (if the snails and emerald crabs don't get it first).
Thanks for the recipe though. I'll have to see where I can get all of the ingredients.